Digital Transformation

Provide the right digital tools for the job

Square peg, round hole?

Especially today, when many businesses have had to embrace working from home, there may be gremlins in your tech toolkit that are slowing things down (or worse, causing nightmares for your team).

Removing these speed bumps can seriously improve productivity.

People feel frustrated when the digital tools they're using are too complicated, aren’t set up properly, or take up too much of their time to use – or when disparate systems require repeated data entry. You’ll hear about it when you don’t have it right.

Your tooling is as important to your operational efficiency as having the right people in place and having streamlined processes.

An IT audit reviews and recommends:

  • the hardware you provide to your team;

  • the tools you use to communicate internally;

  • how you manage and share files internally and externally;

  • the platform(s) you use to capture leads, quote, log billable hours (timesheet), invoice and report on profitability;

  • the tools you use for project management, HR and nearly anything else.

  • An IT audit also includes a review of your existing documentation and training resources to assess whether your team has the information at hand to use the tools to their maximum potential.

Everything can (and should) work blissfully together.

The benefits for your team?

  • An optimal set of hardware and software tools to deliver their work.

  • Improved accuracy when you remove any manual data replication across multiple systems.

  • Greater productivity.

  • Gratitude that their employer values their time.

  • Improved morale and reduced frustration owing to an employer who thoughtfully ensures the tools they use for work are fit for purpose.

The results for you.

Be prepared to celebrate serious productivity gains, as well improved accuracy and reporting when you provide an optimised digital toolkit to your team.

A few of my favourite tools.

macOS logo
Keynote logo
iOS logo
Scoro logo
Slack logo
Jamf Logo
Dropbox logo
Loom logo
Asana logo
Typeform logo
Coda logo

Let’s audit & optimise your tech stack.